gust_attachment_url | $url , $attachment_id | The URL for an attachment retrieved from wp_get_attachment_url. |
gust_content_class_names | $class_names | The class names used on the content container on single posts. |
gust_content_functions | $functions | An array of function definitions to be displayed as options for the user. See dynamic data for more details. |
gust_content_safelist | $safelist , $nodes | An array of class names used on an individual page. The safelist is extracted from the list of nodes. |
gust_enable_post_types | $post_types | Returns a list of post types that the Gust page builder can be used on. |
gust_fonts | $fonts | Returns a list of custom fonts to be used in the theme. Each element in the list should contain an ID and a URL. |
gust_form_details | $form_details | A named array of form details. To, from, subject, message, etc |
gust_function_content | $value , $id , $context | Returns the content for a function selected by the user. See dynamic data for more details. |
gust_include_wc_styles | $include | Determines whether or not we should include WooCommerce styles |
gust_{$nodeId}_node_class_name_list | $class_names , $component | A list of class names to be applied to an element when building the safelist. Not used in final output. |
gust_node_class_name_list | $class_names , $node | A list of class names to be applied to an element when building the safelist. Not used in final output. |
gust_option_class_names | $class_names , $option , $option_value , $current_details , $node | The class names to add to the element based on its selected options. Used when building the safelist, not in the final output. See building components. |
gust_regions | $regions | A list of regions controlled by Gust. Currently only header and footer. |
gust_region_content | $region_content , $region_key | The content for the Gust region. |
gust_register_component | $json , $componentName | This is run before each component is registered. You can override an entire component's JSON with this filter. Great for overriding core components. |
gust_render_component | $component , $componentName | This is called whenever Gust tries to render a component. It should return the component details. Again, you could override the implementation of a core component here, but on only when pages are being built. This does not effect the editor. |
gust_repeater_items | $repeater_items , $context , $tag , $component_details | The repeatable items used in a component that supports repeating. Note that this is not the same as looping through context. See building components for more details. |
gust_safelist | $safelist | An array of all class names used on the site. |
gust_safelist_files | $files | An array of filesGust should scan for class names. These are absolute path names and include the results from gust_safelist_templates once they have been mapped over locate_template. |
gust_safelist_templates | $templates | An array of file paths that Gust should scan for class names, relative to the theme directory. All files go through locate_template. |
gust_search_form_params | $form_params | The search parameters used for the built in search form. |
gust_settings | $settings , Gust_Admin | Allows developers to add settings sections or settings. |
gust_setting_input_types | $setting_input_types , Gust_Admin | Returns a map of setting types and their render function. Developers can add new ones for custom setting inputs, or update the existing ones. |
gust_tag_attributes | $attributes , $context , $tag | The attributes applied to a tag when rendering. |
gust_tag_class_names | $class_names , $context , $tag | The class names applied to a tag when rendering. |
gust_tag_pre_output | $output , $context , $tag | The tag output without the wrapping tag markup ( e.g. a div's content without the surrounding ).
gust_tag_post_output | $output , $context , $tag | The final tag output. |
gust_templates | $templates | An array of template categories and their definitions available for use in the page builder. |
gust_theme_safelist | $theme_safelist | An array of class names hard coded into the theme. |
gust_{$tagId}_attributes | $attributes , $context , $componentDetails | Modify any attributes being output on a component node. |
gust_{$tagId}_class_names | $classNames , $context , $componentDetails | Modify any classes being output onto a component node. |
gust_{$tagId}_output | $output , $context , $componentDetails | Modify the full HTML of a component node. |
gust_{$tagId}_tag_name | $tagName , $context , $componentDetails | When a component node is being rendered the tag is run through this filter so you can change it if you need to. |