Build lightning fast sites with WordPress and Tailwind CSS

Gust is a WordPress theme for quickly building websites that scale.


Lightning fast

Enjoy seeing green on your PageSpeed performance scores? Us too. Out of the box, WordPress sites running Gust often see a 95 - 99 performance score on PageSpeed Insights.

  • Tiny CSS assets for faster page loads.
  • < 7kb CSS out of the box.
  • Removes unused CSS
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For Agencies

  • Drag and drop page builder.
  • No code knowledge required.
  • Pre-built templates and components.
  • Multi-site licences.

For Developers

  • Extensive WordPress hooks.
  • Fully editable Tailwind config.
  • Share custom components with JSON.
  • Work with dynamic data.

Join over 1.4k people working with Gust

Gust is the fastest and easiest way to build WordPress sites with Tailwind CSS.

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50+ templates & components

Gust comes with pre-built templates and components to accelerate your workflow.

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Fully responsive pages and sections to create stunning sites.

View templates


All the bits and pieces you can use to compose your own layouts.

View components

Create your own

Create and share components with JSON or our visual page builder.

Component documentation

Dynamic data

Build a post grid, list your products, or anything else you can think of. WordPress is your oyster with Gust’s built in support for dynamic data.

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WP Query

Use our visual editor to retrieve data from WP Query.

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Set up a loop

Loop over content, repeating the same template each time.

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BYO Data

If WP Query isn't enough, return exactly what you need with filters.

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Ideal for personal use


1 site licence


Ideal for small projects


5 site licence


Ideal for freelancers & agencies


Unlimited licences

Try Gust free

Want to try things out before you commit? No problem! Download the free version to see what the fuss is all about.

Feature Comparison

Free components & templates
Premium components & templates
Drag & drop page builder
JIT mode
Remove unused CSS
Create custom components
Customise Tailwind config
Pages editable with Gust1Unlimited

Make it your own

Build anything you can imagine, just the way you want it.

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Drag and drop

Build pages with our drag and drop page builder.

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Tailwind config

Retain full control over your Tailwind config.

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Filter everything

We have an extensive set of WordPress hooks, so you always have the final say on what is rendered.

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